Recent Blog Posts
Check out the latest blog entries related to birds, nature, photography, videography and just about anything else that’s on my mind.
Birds of the Upper Mississippi River and Driftless Area
Big River Magazine has just come out with a new book featuring my bird photography. I am really proud of this book as it highlights some of my best work. The book is a composition of fascinating stories about birds found throughout the Upper Mississippi River and...
The Story of the Sandhill Crane Nest
Over the past few years now I have been keeping close tabs on some of the Sandhill Cranes nesting here in the Root River Valley. Currently there are six families within five miles of our house that I am monitoring. Out of the six families there were twelve...
Houston County, Minnesota Crane Count 2019
This past Saturday crane counters from around Midwest counted Sandhill Cranes within their counties and here in Houston County, Minnesota we did our part. We've been counting cranes in Houston County, Minnesota for many years now. I believe this is the 12th year for...